Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Memancing di Pulau Aur

Kali ini acara memancing diatur oleh Ako (Chiko) yg mencadangkan lokasi Pulau Aur untuk aktiviti kali ini.

Tekong Pak abu dari Mersing dan Bidin mengendalikan bot manakala pemancing yg join kali ini

1. Chiko – CDM

2. Razali

3. Hanafiah

4. Jaha

5. M. Noor

6. Mizal

7. Che Din

8. Muaz @Muis (nama bila naik bot)

9. KM – penulis

Kami berkumpul di Gerai makan Serting jam 12:30 sedikit lambat kerana masalah beteri kereta Muaz semasa mengisi minyak di Petronas Jalan Seremba – Kuala Pilah berhampiran bukit Putus.

Selesai mengisi perut kami meneruskan Perjalanan ke Mersing ETA Mersing 0430 am. 0645 am kami bertolak dgn bot Pak Abu nn -anak Kucing saya- kami sampai Ke Peraiaran Pulau Aur setelah berlepas 5 jam. Kami ke kawasan unjam untuk mencari ikan-ikan unjam, memandangkan arus dibawah dasar permukaan laut agak deras kami kami gagal untuk mendapatkan byk ikan2 unjam. Kelihatan ikan tongkol bermain2 di kawasan tersebut tetapi gagal dinaikan. Batu ladung yang digunakan saiz 30 agak sukar untuk karau pancing. Anglers mencadangkan agar memancing di kawasan berdekatan Pulau Aur.

Jam 1800 kami ke Pulau Dayang berhadapan Pulau Aur untuk Mandi dan menyegarkan Badan. Anglers mengambil kesempatan melihat kawasan memerhatikan pengunjung2 lain yg kebanyakannya dari luar Negara datang untuk menyelam di kawasan tersebut. Kelihatan air yg jernih sehingga 30 kaki dasar boleh kelihatan dari atas Jeti. Permandangan yg sungguh cantik. Penulis seperti nk terjun untuk snorkling, memandangkan peralatan tiada penulis mendiamkan diri sekadar site seeing sahaja.

Selesai mandi kami menaiki bot Ke Pulau Aur untuk refresh makan dan minum. Di Pulau Dayang memang ada makanan tetapi harganya agak mahal berbanding di Kampung Teluk Berhala, Pulau Aur. Selepas Magrib kami menaiki bot semula dan keluar memancing di persekitaran Pulau Aur. Malam tersebut angin agak kuat. Hingga kedengaran bunyi bersiul bila angin membadai bot dan peralatan pancing. Bintang di langit kelihatan sungguh cantik menandakan tiada hujan. Hanya kelihatan cahaya kilat agak jauh dari kami. Malam tersebut Mizal Menaikan ikan kacang (baraccuda) seberat 6 kg, Penulis gagal menaikan ikan besar hanya sekadar ikan sedang-sedang seperti Kerisi, lolong, kerapau dan nofin (without) anggaran berat 200g-500g seekor, begitu juga dgn pemancing2 yang lain. Malam tersebut Umpan Penulis “anak baraccuda” seberat 200g putus di sambar ikan tetapi tidak mengena. Kali kedua umpan lolong seberat 150g juga putus dua tetapi iakan yg membaham tidak lekat ke mata kail. Kalau Penulis dapat naikan ikan pd malam tersebut belum tentu mizal menjuarai trip kali ini.

Trip Kali ini selama 3 hari 2 malam, tidak seperti biasa hanaya 2 hari semalam sahaja. Kesesukan harinya kami cuba lagi untuk ke unjam tetapi arus seperti semalam masaih deras dan kami memutuskan untuk memancing di persekitaran Pulau Aur sahaja. Seperti biasa ikan2 sedang2 sahaja yg dapat dinaikan. Pemancing2 sudah mula rasa kepenatan bilamana tiada ikan besar dapat dinaikan semangat mulai luntur sehingga waktu perjalanan balik kedarat. Dalam perjalanan balik 3 pancing di letakan untuk menunda gewang. Gewang Ako mendatangkan hasil bila dapat menaikan 4kg Tenggiri. Gewang Muaz putus di belasah tenggiri begitu juga gewang Jaha. Kami dapat rasakan Gewang Jaha dibelasah tenggiri yg agak besar mungkin lebih 10kg kerana sekali rentap sahaja tali utama kail Jaha putus. Kali ini tangkapan agak kurang dalam aggaran 90 kg – 100 kg sahaja

Kami sampai Jeti Mersing jam 800 mlm dgn hujan yg lebat semasa menaikan barang ke kereta. Basah kuyup dibuatnya. Kereta muaz pula gagal dihidupkan dan perlukan JUMPER. Kami melakukan dalam hujan lebat. Akhirnya kereta muaz dapat di hidupkan. Ako pula berusaha mencari penjaga Tanda/bilik air kerana jam lapan tandas/bilik air telah di tutup. Setelah di buka kami berpusu2 mandi, penjaga bilik air membenarkan kami menggunakan bilik air wanita. Lega bila dah dapat fresh water untuk mandi. Selepas mandi kami makan di gerai tepi sungai tersebut, lebih kurang jam 2030 kami bertolak untuk pulang.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shock in fish handlers



METHODS shiny fly or spin fishing fly growing increasingly popular for local anglers, especially when these anglers who fly fish action is like the Moon or Megalops Cyprinoides scientific name is found in most rivers or estuaries of this country.

This method is already popular in western countries since long been preferred because it uses a very light feed is not surprising the group with the purpose of fishing in the river as soon as it is ejected. This method is suitable in practice for anglers who like how 'silent' capture a particular fish.

Thus the writer the opportunity to use these techniques to certify that received fish strike months or Tarpon quite remarkable compared to the use of an equivalent number of lures on the market today.

Armed with a set of light, the authors tried this technique with Acab, Ajib, Atiq and Shidi in Besut, Selangor after learning of the fish in action akrobatiknya memanng famous resident in the river water is brackish.

Equipment brought us this time is some kind of bait fly species 'Clouser minnow' or hook pile using hook size 5. Other equipment that sinker Fox V-shaped taper.

Our weapons each using a shiny set of horizontal reel matched to a rod size of 4-12 pounds (lb) to give the opposition the most fair-sized fish of 800 grams of down.

Shidi and Ajib choose white red kite bait while the author, and Atiq Acab choose white bait. The selection of different colored bait conducted to determine the diet of fish fins with silver glitter while looking for bait for fishing rods.
Throw us just focus on the fish stocks that may arise to take oxygen. This method is most easily applied to get a lot sentapan rate than blindly throwing.

How karauan be henjutkan bait fly slowly with styling like shrimp swimming action.

Ajib making roll under the tree where the fish did not wait long when the fish gets sentapan months suddenly make a strong run into the wood Reba. He is fully tightened the adjuster coil rod was disappointed when his rope broke.

Our hunting continues at the same location at 4-meter trench.
The author makes the throw to the fish that move like dolphins while showing a dorsal fin. A rough sentapan received authors presented the bait fly away while the victim brings the rope to the edge of a ditch.

Karauan made fast while the lower end of the rod to prevent the fish akrobatiknya action. The opposition is given enough fish in the light of the scale using a set of 4-12 lbs.

After struggling about a minute, the fish weighing 500 grams in successfully landed with a fairly dramatic action.

After that the same method, the author managed to raise about nine months and added fish and belukur haruan a sweet until the end of a fishing show in the late afternoon.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fishing In Sedeli

A total of 13 people have confirmed their participation to


Sedeli sea fishing. Two boats in one book for 6 people and one for 7 people. Perhaps for public the number 13 is not the favorite, but for us it isnot a scary.

10:50 hrs arriving at the Air Keroh, then off to Air Hitam to meet Fendi and Akob. Then back out to Highway towards Kulai, Kota Tinggi directly. In Kota Tinggi our meal, and then to the Wholesale Market to buy bait and food then continue towards Sedili.
P6200022 P6200023

In the course of the junction we see Felda Taib Andak, Kampung of Mawi. At about 5.00 am we arrived at  Sedili Jetty, loading of goods in a boat and sailed to high seas.

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I'm not sure about the others, but for me it was a journey that is so excited.  It is the second time I went to sea, Sentubung was first time , a large ship nothing to me,but this time is a small boat. All the way up to the boat, my feelings, excited and worried, like "rojak mamak", soup, noodles, tofu, mixed. Not worry about the death but fear of the waves slammed. I am the most "young" in the crowd tu - "Sweet 61". Now this already learned a little bit not-really want is the fear of death. Scared is scared, but like the white man said "Its' worry not scared" especially when we know "who" with us on the boat.

Nearly three hours sailing, we came to the fishing location, boat dropped anchor. there have already there are several boats around us. But I was just sitting quietly, swing on the flying boat waves cause I can not stand. I was crawling.  But at one time he dropped her back at my laptop. Luckily I was not broken thigh. I am happy if sitting on my lap was Rozita Che Wan or Norish Karman but it is Pak Akob. If there are members who do not hold the cradle of the waves we seek refuge behind the island. Late afternoon we anchor the middle of the sea.
Overnight on the boat in the middle of a large wave until in the morning and a slow boat cradle. The first time I slept on the floor of the boat with backpack. New felt lost Dunlop  pillows and mattresses in the house, which during the time we just threw the body and sleep without saying thank you for giving us pillows and mattresses. Sunday morning there is a continued fishing.
Finally, this trip means a lot to me. I am also confident that other members such as Dino, Pian, Hood, Muaz, Khalid, Fendi, Amir, Zaini have fun and memories, respectively. I thank you for not having problems dizziness and seasickness, the only thing that I really worry about. Two or three days before departure, I ask many times pray for smooth journey, no problems with the boat and everything is simplified. Thank God it happened, as requested. That's human nature, when afraid, if worried, just ask, just remembered. When you want to secure a happy remembrance was tough, tough kind of scrap rubber

They are also fellow members of the family friendly so feel when assembled crowd, a little joke-joke, curse, curse a little. When looking at the sea stretched, came the islands of stone on which to grow grass, but his power of its creator. Independent living on the Island seabirds without any interruption. What we are feeling and going through the middle of the sea bring us, the sweat and hard work make a living fishingman. I joke with my friends this last year when buying fish at the market, not fresh, very fresh because we are already feeling the pinch, gastric waves
Maybe October / November we want to try again. He said that when the sea is heard-heard stories tenang.Tapi there who want to "repeat" in Ogos.Harap hope that this time-Taiko-Taiko and especially to Pak Tam.

P6210029 P6210039 P6210040Finally, thanks to Hud, Acu Zahar and Bang Ngah who struggled manage this program, which lead to the UDA and the members who participated.

MARINE vast Sedili




June 2009


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tips For Anglers

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Salt delay the ice melted

ACTIVITIES fishing for two or three days either in the sea or fresh water with ice bins brought out to the field lines are a must for all anglers who want to fish healthy or long lasting.

However, ice is supplied in barrels, respectively, sometimes not until the time and the liquid, and not long after the catch easily go bad even in airtight drums.

The tips to be a durable water is before traveling to the field lines, give a handful of coarse salt and then sprinkle salt in barrels filled with ice.

In saying that salt is included in barrels of ice had to lower the temperature of the ice cold and will cause ice to last longer.

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Eliminate the fishy freshwater fish

REMOVING fishy smell of fresh water fish is sometimes a minor problem to anglers who want to make them catch the food dishes and so forth.

If fish are not washed properly, the fish is cooked with ideal menu may taste the sweetness of the content will be affected because the fishy smell of fish was involved.

Tips here, after removing the scales and entrails of fish with the remaining blood in the bone and then soak the fish in the water is mixed with sour oranges. After that enter the skin once a lime mixture and let stand for 10 minutes.

It is said that there was acid in the juice will remove the remains of the fishy smell of fish and thus soften the content of fried fish for fun without leaving a fishy smell.

You can also try other ingredients such as tamarind juice and flour mixture, if the fishy smell still stick to the fish.

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Fish bait for Miller

Oil palm fruit is commonly used as cooking oil, but for anglers, he said the most effective lure for fish complain (tor tambroides) found in dams or rivers.

But it must be cured for a certain period by selecting the fruit is ripe and has a high oil content of water has no chlorine for three or four days until the change in color and flavor.

After that, it should be dried in a hot area for two days.

Later, the store is involved in feed sacks of sugar or flour before going fishing. Proes oxidation makes palm fruit had turned sour and is said to be the bait attracts the fish taste and complain than tengas lampan who prefer a 'fragrance' coconut palm.

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Keeping bait perumpun

Perumpun purchased for fishing is usually easy to die and rot if you do not quickly removed it. Tips on maintaining freshness is that when deleting perumpun long, check it first cut of the tail. If it was cut from the head, perumpun would quickly die.

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Turmeric & Flour

If fishing the river is believed to have crocodiles, do not use the feed mixed with turmeric powder. Crocodiles do not like the smell of saffron and it can be 'raging' and this may pose a hazard to anglers.

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Boiled Eggs & Yellow Rice

Do not bring any food such as meat or poultry during fishing. Similarly, do not ever bring supply and glutinous rice boiled egg. Marine is hard place, both the food is associated with the practice of removing rack.

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Tips to catch Rays

Leaf Sireh / Tobacco Cigarettes

We often hear anglers will have problems to catch ray when he latched sea bed. It is easy to use betel leaf / tobacco smoking  and then rubbed on the rope lines to read. Ray will feel pain and immediate release sea bed and start moving


Call it haruan (Channa striatus), the majority of people in Malaysia would be visible on the nutritional value that is able to treat internal injuries. Secrets and fish nutrition has been known for a long time but all the people in this country is said to agree to eat the internal organs, especially to restore the women and wives after childbirth. However, for Ismail Abdullah, 38, and his son Shafie, 24, hunter haruan from Pekan, Pahang, it ignores scientific facts instead haruan every day determined to get to as side dishes on the table. He said the benefits are not denied haruan lot, not only to heal wounds and health care, it is said to reduce pain after surgery. This is as it contains an amino acid and fatty acids are uniquely capable of accelerating the growth of skin cells to heal wounds at once than most efficacious for the treatment of gastric where can provide it. "Regarding the second property. It is important, how to get and how much haruan to arrest him. Typically, bait fishing using live frogs, the most effective means to deceive haruan. "Haruan never see a frog, it will continue grabbed. This fish is more ferocious, if it is with small children.

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This time, it is very aggressive and will attack any creature who tries to interfere with his son. "To fish haruan need to know the method, the first angler must know where he is hiding. If the long abandoned and many bushes around the edges, there certainly nesting place. "Thus, the hook should be thrown on the edge of the bush. This is because the habit haruan not like live in the middle of a pond or river that have current, "he said. Commenting on the cooking method haruan Ismail said, the fish was more significant benefits when done cooking soup or steamed with ginger. He said that ordinarily, after inhaling a bowl of soup haruan, a person will feel hot and start sweating. From a study by medical experts, the content supply source haruan much protein, which is about 60 to 70 percent while 20 percent fat. It is understood, the content also contains vitamin A which functions improve memory and vision, while mucus contains linoleic acid and unsaturated olenik other kalogen materials that could beautify the skin, thus delaying the aging process. However, Ismail haruan recommend eating only wild life in the natural environment and not haruan cultured in cement ponds for livestock haruan has no real natural mucus contribute to medical benefits.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Delek Fishing Pond, Port Kelang

Knots For Fishing